
6 Interesting App Ideas You Should Invest in 2024

Apps – one of the many disruptive yet useful solutions the past decade gave us.

This isn’t just excellent news for users of smartphones and apps. It is equally great news for businesses! After all, it illustrates an industry you can invest in.

According to Statista, there are over 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world!

In other words, there are at least 3.5 billion people who use a variety of apps. And this doesn’t even include tablet users.

Another independent study by Flurry analytics illustrated how 90 percent of the time spent on mobile phones is on apps.

All in all, the app industry is faring quite well for itself. This also means that there is a lot of competition in the sector.

As a business owner, if you truly wish to make your venture profitable, you must pick the right mobile app idea to invest in.

Read also: How to Explain Your App Idea to App Development Team Effectively

Top Mobile App Ideas You Should Invest in 2024

Here are six mobile app ideas that you should consider investing in 2024 and beyond.

1. Scan and Shop apps

Buildfire makes a compelling case in favor of mobile Ecommerce apps. According to research conducted by it, over 62 percent of users who own mobile phones tend to use their devices for making a purchase.

Additionally, over 35 percent of US shoppers only use their mobile phones during the purchase process. The first idea that might come to your mind is launching an app which features an online store. But this has already been done!

In 2024, you need to look beyond conventional solutions. Put yourself in the shoes of consumers. What is one thing that might deter you from buying items you see online?

Your inability to find it!

It is quite common for consumers to see someone with something they adore yet not know where to get the said item for themselves. This is where a scan and shop app can come in handy.

Deliver a solution whereby users are able to scan any item that they lay their eyes on. You can then allow them to purchase the said item from various authentic online shopping sites.

So, you are not the owner of an online store. Instead, you are just a bridge between the two.

This way, you can end up providing a solution to both Ecommerce owners and consumers.

2. A gaming app

Gaming apps are, by far, the biggest revenue generator for the app industry.

As per research, in 2018 alone, gaming apps accounted for 76 percent of total app industry revenue. Additionally, mobile gaming contributes 50 percent to the global gaming market.

So, one thing is for sure- if you develop the right gaming app, you are bound to succeed!

The question is, what makes a great gaming app?

Here are some features you should implement:

  • A multiplayer game: A game that allows gamers to play with one another will succeed because most gamers love combating each other rather than the computer.
  • Interaction with the real world: What really worked for Pokémon Go was that it allowed users to feel like Ash as they travel to catch their favorite Pokémon! Implementing such a model can help you in gaining the same momentum as the game.
  • Challenging gameplay: Make sure to have a scale of difficulty levels to attract both amateur and professional players.
  • Engaging gameplay: While most people don’t care much about the story of the game, they still want to be part of a larger story. The key is to create simple yet engaging and addictive gameplay.

Apart from the features mentioned above, ensure that your app design ticks all the right boxes in terms of ease of usability and aesthetics.

Take your time to develop a gaming app you think is different from all other options available today. Make it addictive, and you are good to go.

3. Criminal Alert Apps

With every passing day, the world is becoming more and scarier. It is common to hear about mass shootings, burglaries, and assault quite often. You might be surprised just how many offenders get off after a few years of jail time.

You can ask anyone, and they will tell you that they would prefer if they knew about the presence of such people among them. Not to mention getting real-time notifications about any crimes happening in their neighborhood.

This is where an app can provide a solution as well as public service all at the same time. You can invest in creating a criminal alert app.

Some app developers have already delivered such solutions. Yet, they are not as common, and hence the market is still not as saturated as other genres of apps.

Develop an app that helps users detect the presence of registered offenders. Offer notifications of any shootings or crimes that police are responding to nearby. This will help the masses in ensuring the safety of themselves and their loved ones.

4. Song Finder

There is nothing worse than being exposed to a catchy and beautiful song, only never to find it again! Sometimes all you remember of a song is a lyric or tune.

While at times, that is all you need to type into Google to find the song, other times, even the best of search engines don’t help.

For music lovers, this is quite a frustrating situation to be in. And any situation that is annoying for the masses can be an opportunity for you!

In 2024, invest in developing a Song Finder app. Allow the app to be receptive to the user humming the song, an ad, or any relevant platform where the said song is being played.

Make your app super easy to navigate, and voila, you have an interesting app that many will download in a heartbeat.

5. Paint Code Detector

Now and then, every house needs a little spruce of new wall paint. Unless you are a creative designer yourself, then the chances are that you won’t be aware of the various color codes of paints.

Did you know that getting a purple wall isn’t that simple?

There are different shades of purple that you must choose from! The same is the case with other paint colors.

While getting your walls painted for the first time is relatively easy, re-doing the same color once the paint has faded away, a bit is much more challenging. This is because it requires you to remember the exact color code. And most people don’t remember such details.

As an app developer, you can deliver a solution to this issue that doesn’t require consumers to avail services of professionals every time their house requires repainting. A paint code detector app can be the answer to their cries.

Create an app that can scan and detect the code of faded wall paints. Further, deliver convenience to users by letting them purchase the said paint color from within the app.

Here, this doesn’t mean that you have to have an inventory of paints. Again, you will just act as a bridge between shops that deliver wall paints and the consumers.

6. Resume Creator

With rising inflation and stagnant employment rates in the world, many people find it quite challenging to land the job of their dreams.

Did you know that over 77 percent of HR generalists disqualify applications based on poorly drafted resumes?

To cater to this issue, develop an app that creates a visually appealing and grammatically sound resume for users.

Let them choose from a variety of templates. Give them the power to edit the sentence structure, but make sure no grammatical errors are made in the process.

Ensure that the resume you create is delivered in the required formats, whether it be a Word file or a PDF. With such an app, you will be targeting a niche audience. But, a freemium model is best suited for such apps that offer great value and not just leisure.


These are just some of the many interesting mobile app ideas that could work in 2024 and beyond.

Look around you. Detect challenges that the masses face and see how an app can help combat these difficulties. This will allow you to think of and invest in mobile app ideas that are bound to be profitable!

FAQs About Mobile App Ideas

How can I validate my app idea?

There are many ways to validate your app idea like thorough research, study the App Store, check the keywords, gather feedback on your app ideas, build an MVP and many more.

How do I protect my app idea?

There is no legal protection for ideas. But, there are some ways that can help you protect your app idea like get a non-disclosure agreement, register a trademark for your app’s name and logo, share information selectively, document everything, etc.

How to explain your app idea to the app development team?

Explaining your app idea to your development partner is a crucial part. You can present it with user stories, divide the app into smaller modules, visual mockups, flow charts, wireframes, explain the deadline and the budget, etc.

What are some good app ideas for 2024?

There are some mobile app ideas that you should consider investing in 2024 like scan and shop apps, a gaming app, criminal alert apps, song finder, paint code detector, resume creator, etc.

Mehul Rajput

Mehul Rajput is the CEO & Director of MindInventory. With a visionary mindset, he harnesses his techno-commercial skills and extensive industry experience to empower cross-functional teams. Under his exceptional leadership, the team consistently delivers cutting-edge digital solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of global clients. His commitment to operational excellence has positioned the company as a leader in the field of Digital Transformation, driving innovation and success in every endeavor.

Published by
Mehul Rajput

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